Nick had a really good weekend. He didn't really have any de-sats all weekend. Because of this, the doctor felt like it was time to start weening him off the bipap, and back onto the cpap. The bipap has a rate associated with it. Nick's rate has been 20. He went down to 15 on Saturday and did well with that, so they turned him down to 10 today. The goal is to turn him completely to cpap tomorrow. So far he has done really well. In fact, they were able to turn his oxygen percentage to 21%. That is the same as room air. He has really been doing well.
I am still continuing to hold Nick everyday. It is the highlight of my day, and I think he really likes it as well. He opens his eyes for about 20 minutes when I get him out of his isolette. I don't think he can really make anything out right now, but he looks around quite a bit. He seems alert when he is checking everything out.
Nick really likes being held these days. He lays on my chest everyday for at least an hour, if not more. Today, when I went to put him back in his bed and get him all situated, he threw a little temper tantrum. I guess he wasn't ready to go back. He wanted more mommy time. He got really mad. Crying and de-sating. I finally got him to calm down after about 10 minutes. He made me feel so guilty. He also made me feel loved. I felt so bad that I had to leave him, but it felt good to know that he enjoys his time with me.
I can't believe he has been here for 6 weeks. We are half way there... half way to him coming home. I can't wait to see him all the time. Be able to pick him up, hold him, and kiss him every day.
Here are a few new pictures...
This is Nick yesterday. He stayed like this the entire time he was on my chest. Guess he didn't want any photos taken of him... too bad...too cute!
Thought I should have a picture taken of Nick, showing all of him, to give you a better idea of how big he is.
One of my new favorite photos. This is the best photo I have of his face. Even though you can't really see it all that well, I love his little mouth. So sweet.
Speed-Date Photo-Filled Check-In Post
1 day ago
O my goodness!!! He really is starting to look like a real newborn! The pic of him on your chest is amazing, he is just so long. You are doing a great job Jenn! (you too Nick) I can't wait to come down and see him again soon! Tiffany
He's obviously doing well. You will get through this and bring your baby home sooner than later, I just know it. His face kinda reminds me of Tiffany! Of course, I can't see his Italian nose;) I heard about it, lol. He's an absolute doll.
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