Nick had an eventful weekend. First, he got his first tooth! You can't see it that well yet (so no photos), but you can definitely feel it. He has been drooling and chewing for MONTHS. He truly hasn't been difficult, so I was slightly surprised to feel that little tooth. He thinks he is now ready for steaks!
Also this weekend, Nick displayed a new talent. He can now, go from sitting, to laying, to a crawling position, and then back to sitting. This is a big step for him. He has demonstrated that his little shoulders are strong enough to get crawling. He has been getting on his hands and knees more and more, and has even made a few "steps" forward. It won't be long before the headline for the days blog is "Mobile".
That being said, I am NOT READY TO BABY PROOF! I started looking around at the house, and oh my, I have my work cut out for me. So, I thought I would ask you... any baby proofing tips? I know the standard, remove anything they can reach, cover outlets, etc. I also know that kids have a great way of teaching you things you should have baby proofed. So, I thought I would learn from you! Please share!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
One thing that I did in the kitchen was to put all my tupperware in a lower cabinet, so that my son could play in that one cabinet. He had so much fun!! This way he is entertained while you are working in the kitchen! You need to either put baby locks on the other cabinets or move the breakables and chemicals to a higher level. (I'm sure you already know that!) This sounds crazy, but one way to find safety risks is to actually crawl around your house and look from his point of view. Have fun!!!!
I saw this online and thought it was very thorough!
Though lots of people like to keep their cleaning solutions under the kitchen sink with a baby lock, I recommend putting them in an upper cabinet that is babylocked. Put latches on the toilet seats. A neat idea, one of the families I worked for kept baby locks on all the kitchen drawers, but kept tupperware for the kid to play with in the bottom drawer, as a sort of "designated kitchen play drawer". it's kind of a neat idea, because the kid learned limits, of what he could touch in the kitchen. also, don't use your front two burners if possible on your stove - use the back ones. Never leave the barbeque top up when the kiddo is in the backyard. Here's some words/warnings that i've heard that are effective "hot burn baby" and "coffee hot no-no". Raise the curtain strings over the windows with those do-hickeys. Remember to put the motion sensors or top locks on your doors, to keep the boy inside and away from pools or traffic. no sharp objects allowed on countertops. i've seen knives come pretty close to some toes. actually, i think it hit me when i was the babysitter! lol.
wow! another tupperware fan:)
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