Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7 Months

Dear Nick,

I know I say this every month, but wow, 7 months already? The other day, I actually started thinking about your first birthday. I know I am jumping the gun, but one day you will come to realize that I am a habitual planner. I plan everything, early. I can't believe how much you grow and change before my very eyes. Everyday it seems like there is something new. This month you have made some amazing changes.

Probably your biggest change is the switch to cereal. At first you were not to sure about it. It took a few weeks, 3 brands of cereal, trying cereal in a bottle, and a lot of determination on my part to finally see you eat a bowl of cereal. I have discovered that you prefer cereal with bananas. That is what you eat best.
I absolutely love feeding you. While you can make a mess, and it seems as though sometimes you have 8 arms and hands while you are in your high chair, it is the best part of my day. You smile, and talk, and sometimes laugh. You haven't quite figured out that your thumb in your mouth while I am trying to feed you is not the best idea. Even worse, somehow after your thumb is in your mouth and full of cereal, your eye seems to be the next logical place.

You love to be talked to and sung to. Sometimes, I think you try to sing back. There isn't one particular song you love, and despite contrary beliefs, you do love me singing to you. One day, you may also figure out that I am a horrible singer, however for the moment, my singing voice is beautiful enough for you.

While you used to love your swing, and still do from time to time, you love just laying in the middle of my bed and looking around and talking. You would prefer to have someone lay next to you, so that you may tell them all of your opinions, thoughts and dreams. I guess you come by that talking thing pretty honestly.

You have begun rolling over from your belly to your back. You haven't quite mastered it yet, so when you actually do it, you often surprise yourself. You haven't rolled from your back to your belly, but I suspect it won't be long.

Peek-a-boo seems to be a new favorite. Sometimes we play when I am feeding you. This is how I distract you to get a few more bites in your mouth. Sometimes, I just do it to hear you laugh. This can usually get a laugh from you, and that is the sweetest sound of my day.

The laugh is new too. You smile a lot, but laughing is not something you do often. It seems as though you save that for special occasions.

I also think we have entered into the world of teething. You chew on anything you can get in your mouth. Lately, the evenings have proven to be tough on you. That seems to be when your gums hurt the most. Tonight, a burp cloth with a piece of ice seemed to give you some much needed relief. I think we may have a long battle with those teeth ahead of us.

You continue to amaze me every day. I think back to when you were first born. I looked at some photos of that first day. I can't believe how tiny you were. I think about how fragile you were, and how hard your life must have been at that point. I am already so incredibly proud of all you have accomplished in your life. I can't wait to watch you continue to grow, thrive, and hit new milestones.

Nick, you have such a bright and wonderful life ahead of you. There will never be anything you can't conquer.

I love you little man,


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