Speaking of feeding... Nick has been doing ok with that. He has been trying to nurse, although he doesn't seem to want to put forth the effort. He took a bottle today and did well with that. He took 20cc's of a 50 cc bottle. He is going to get one bottle a shift until he can build up stamina to take more. So, that is our last step. Once he can take all his bottles, he will be ready to come home. We are still shooting for his due date at the end of February for him to come home. It is totally up to him and how well he catches on to this whole bottle/nursing thing.

No oxygen! I don't know what is up with that face though... he makes it all the time. I have tons of photos with his little lips pursed. I may be biased, but I think it is cute!
1 comment:
I'm getting all misty-eyed. You tell Nick his Aunt Mandy says "you've come a long way baby!".
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