Life has been busy to say the least. Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I am enrolled in school right now... taking 9 hours, working full time and being full time mom. Life is busy.
That doesn't mean my little man hasn't been up to his old tricks, and a few new ones. Nick had another preemie clinic appointment last week. He weighed in at 13 pounds 8 ounces. As you may (or may not) suspect, they were not happy with the weight gain. Nick had even dropped .2 percent in his weight percentile. While .2% isn't a lot to most of us, a negative move is not a good move. So, we upped the calories of his bottles again. I am now mixing his formula so that each ounce is 26 calories. They also decided that waking him up each night is a good idea. So, all that time I spent getting him to sleep through the night, gone. I set my alarm each night and wake him to get him to take a bottle.
They said they would like him to gain 20 grams a day. Right now he is only gaining on average 10 grams a day. Not sure how well this is all going to go over. We are trying. It seems that the bigger problem for Nick is that he is in CONSTANT MOTION. He never stops. Feet, hands, mouth, doesn't matter, something is always moving.
Tummy time is excellent. He likes being on his tummy. The last few days, he has even started getting up on his knees, rocking a little, and inch worming a little. It is not very often, but it is defiantly a step in a crawling direction. I am sooo not ready to baby proof the house! Sitting up seems to be a little more challenging for him, mainly because he would rather be held standing so his little feet can go, go, go. He seems to have no time for this sitting down stuff. When he does figure out this moving, thing, watch out. I will try to get his movements on video, it is a sight.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Have you tried sleep feeds? This is a preemie phenomenom where you gently pick them up and feed them in their sleep trying as hard as you can not to wake them. Generally they'll eat larger quantities in their sleep. If it weren't for this, I'm not sure Andrew would ever have gained any weight. To burp them just rub gently on the lower back to try and keep him asleep. Andrew would down his biggest bottle of the day in his sleep and never know it.
I agree. Don't turn on the light when you do the nighttime feed. It causes too much stimulation for Nick (and for you) and makes it harder to go back to sleep. Keep it as quiet and low-key as possible.
BTW: AJ will be 5 on the 27th and is weighing in at only 34 pounds. I completely agree that it's because he burns up so much energy...
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