Friday, October 15, 2010


It has been a while since I have written. I realized last night, that there are so many new and wonderful things that Nick is doing, I needed to blog about it so I will have it to remember. He grows and changes so much that I know in a short time some of these great (and not so great) things will be gone.

Nick's vocabulary has grown exponentially. He has a ton of words that he says - too many to name. Most I can understand, although there is a few that he repeats over and over that I can't quite get. I try the context clues, but still can't get it.

He is really starting to string words together, we aren't up to sentences yet, but he does do 2-3 words at a time.

Nick LOVES his Cul Brain (Uncle Brian) - and asks for him everyday. He even goes to the back door calling for Uncle Brain in the hopes that we will hop in the car and go see him.

He loves to tell you what certain animals say:

Puppy : "Fruft" (Ruff)
Kitty: "Mauw"
Duck: "Cack, Cack"
Cow: "Moooooo"
Lion: "Raaaar"

Can-cakes (pancakes) are his favorite breakfast food, made even better with Bacon. Oni (macaroni) is his favorite dinner time meal. He also likes chicken.

Every morning on the way to school he looks for school buses - his favorite thing to spot. He loves to spend time outside and swing!
There are many other fantastic things that Nick does. He makes me smile and laugh everyday!

There are a few less fun things - the tantrums, oh the tantrums! Luckily, he doesn't do it often, and there is often and underlying reason (hungry or tired). There was an incident yesterday morning involving a dirty diaper and Nick apparently trying to "change himself" that resulted in a complete and total clean-up, but most days are absolute joy.
I love my little man and can't imagine my life with out him!